Today I was thinking about some recent changes in my life that are spiritual, mental and emotional. These changes are all positive and something that cannot be seen by the eye. Sure, people may be able to sense or see a difference in a persons attitude or behavior. However, changes like these are internal and occur within ourselves in the heart, mind and soul. These are not tangible things one can touch and therefore hard to describe to people at times.
I have had a spiritual awakening of sorts is the best way to describe what is occurring within me and to me. As a good friend described her similar changes to me as "Shedding my old skin". That made perfect sense to me and got me to thinking about belief and how it guides our lives, actions, behaviors and reactions to events. I started thinking about Christmas and the gifts we all receive during the Holidays and celebrations.
I am not talking about the gifts under the tree as those are tangible things we can see, feel, touch and use. I am actually talking about the gifts we get from God, family, friends and others that are spiritual, emotional and heart warming. These gifts are soul changing and help us to go back to the reality of what Christmas is really about. Growing up I remember all those Christmas mornings where my mom put out Santa Claus for my brothers and I. My girls growing up always had Santa Claus of some type, even when we were not so blessed with money, we made sure Santa came to our house.
One of my daughters (now grown) asked me one Christmas late into her teens "daddy, what happens if we start "not" believing in Santa anymore". I knew what she was asking as I once was a teenager and knew the real deal about Santa. I answered her the same way my mom once did, which was, "honey when you stop believing in Santa, he will probably stop coming". This takes me back to my title for the day which is You Don't Have to See It, To Believe It. I spoke about my recent spiritual awakening that is taking place because of certain events in my life. It is spiritual gift that God had given me that I was unaware of until recently.
This gift is hard to describe to people and one that I may not share with just anyone, as I could see friends, family and strangers looking at me like I have lost my mind. Which goes back to fear of believing in something that I know is real, but I cannot see it, show it or hardly explain it. God is real folks and he sent Jesus to the earth to save us which was the ultimate gift we could all receive. It did not cost us a dime, not one red cent. But it does require us to believe that it is real and was a true miracle. I hear people say, I do not know if I believe in all that stuff about Jesus, the bible and God. I would now say to them, just because you cannot see it, touch it or physically handle it does not mean it is not true.
The bible tells us that gifts from God are special, we are special and they are meant to grow us closer to God. These gifts are spiritual, mental and at times physical. James 1:17, states that "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change". John 3:16, states that “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life". These are examples of Gods gifts to us, with John 3:16 being one of the most popular bible verses of all time. These are gifts that cannot be seen, but felt inside our hearts, minds and souls. These are gifts we believe in that guide us spiritually, emotionally and give us a moral compass to be the best person we can.
If seeing is believing then I have seen plenty in my life to know that belief comes with faith. Faith comes with courage and courage comes with being willing to believe without seeing. Believing without seeing, knowing without touching, feeling without fear and walking with God without questioning his loyalty and gifts in our lives. This Christmas take a look at where you are on seeing vs. believing. Know that God gave us all a rare and special gift in Jesus Christ and continues to do so daily spiritually, mentally, and physically.
1- Just because you cannot see it, does that mean you cannot believe it?
2- Is your believer out of whack? Does it need a reboot, a rework or a rebuild?
3- What are some steps you can take to reset your belief, get rid of your past and start to believe in a bright and prosperous future for you and your family.
God Bless You and Yours. May your Christmas be filled with grace, mercy, forgiveness, fun, fellowship and most importantly Christ love! Amen
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