Do you ever just stop and spend time with God? I try to pray three times per day morning, noon and night to make sure I speak with God. Sometimes I fail at that goal because life can get in the way. The quantity of prayer in my opinion is not greater than the quality. Doing it three times a day allows me to focus on the things I need guidance on. Our spiritual needs can change in a minute, an hour or a day. Give those to Fod and know that he has heard those and will action them for you. God wants us to spend time with him, seeking his guidance for our lives, relationships and jobs. My favorite way to seek time with God is to go out behind my house and sit near a huge tree in the shade and talk to God. Maybe you have have your "quiet time" or devotional time or whatever we call it to seek guidance. When you do seek God do it with conviction, with an open heart, mind and soul. Do not half heartedly pray for things tha...
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