Today I am writing a quick blog post about simple ideas and changes that will allow you to begin the process of losing a few pounds at a time and getting healthier in 2021. I myself began the process of working on my health and weight back in the middle months of 2020 just prior to getting sick with heart issues and then Covid 19 hit me hard. I had lost about 15 pounds by making some small changes and was beginning to feel the physical effects (positive) of the small weight loss and changes the wife and I had made to our diet plan, exercise routine and activity.
When Covid hit me in December of 2020, the weight started flying off literally as I have since dropped about 30 pounds so far and things are starting to level off now as I am healing daily, gaining my appetite back and strength a day at a time. I plan to continue to lose weight, get lean and work on total health in 2021. I am not talking going crazy and becoming a gym rat, just small simple changes that will help me live a better life, feel better and move forward towards goals I have in life.
Below are a few of the changes that I had already made and plan to continue to pursue daily to slowly work my weight down, stay active and live a great life that meets my new goals in my mid 50's.
1- Water: I am drinking water all day now and maximum hydration is part of the process of a healthy life. Track your fluid intake daily and avoid high sugar content liquids, lots of caffeine and sodas. Drink water, sports drinks and supplemental shakes to stay hydrated.
2- Sleep 6-8 hours a night. Track your sleep with a phone app or invest in a really nice bed. I am not advertising and will tell you it was expensive. But the best thing my wife and I invested in 2020 was a sleep number bed. It tracks my sleep patterns, is very comfortable and adjusts to me. I love it and getting better sleep allows you to be more productive, have more energy and live life at its fullest.
3- Keto, Vegan or other plans often can kick start your weight loss and add value to the overall health plan you set. The wife loves Keto, but for me heart healthy is more important so I added some Keto, some vegan and some other changes that made an impact overall. Below are some examples of changes we have made that had made us feel better.
Almond Flour Wraps- Replaced whole grain and processed breads. Vegan Meals- Occasionally we just eat all veggies or replace some of the higher calorie processed meats with vegan options. Sugary Products- Get rid of the high calorie sugary drinks, cakes, puddings and pies. Replace them with a stevia based product or something more natural that has the flavor but reduces the calories and sugar going into your body.
4- Exercise: Small changes such as walking 15 minutes 3-4 days a week are huge. If you have steps, just do up and down step ups for five minutes at a slow pace to increase your heart rate. Walk to the mailbox or around your neighborhood for 15 minutes or so. Do some pushups, sit-ups and other body weight exercises to become lean and mean.
5- Ditch the junk food for other options. You can snack on things in a healthier way by making small changes to your snack program. We all need snacks on occasion so plan them out. Use almond crackers, make your own buffalo dip or sauce, weigh it out in small packages and eat that only. The key is do it, but do it light and stop when you are full. I love Buffalo's dip and can sit and eat a whole thing of it and that holds tons of calories, sodium and other bad things. So my wife now makes it for for me and it is much healthier using fresh chicken, a lower sodium sauce and spices.
There are many other ways to kick start your 2021 health plan and become the person you want to be physically. Do some research, try things and see what works for you. My wife lost 40+ pounds on Keto, but for me it just did not do the trick. Each person is different so individual needs will be best to meet your goals, ideas and plan for 2021 forward.
God Bless!
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