I was walking up a dirt road that led up hill. As I looked to my left I saw a huge tree that had been cut at the base and on that was an old timey blue rocking chair. In that chair was a dark skeleton that was on fire. It looked at me as if I was in some kind of horror movie and stared as I walked by. There were no words or communication but I could feel its spirit of disguist, fear and anger. It was suffering and the fire was never ending. I kept walking and noticed that everything on that side of the road was also dead. The vegataion was dead, the grass was brown and the trees were broken and tatteterd as if a storm or a severe fire had come through the area. On my right I saw a huge Oak tree about 10 feet wide at the base. Below that tree was a nice newer looking rocking chair. In that chair was a light being that I felt to be a good spirit of the Heavens. It was rocking and just relaxing as if life was grand. All of the trees, grass and surroundings were beaut...
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