Today I am writing about the four main parts of my life that equal up to 100% of good spiritual, mental and physical fitness. This is my list and may vary from what you think are your top four. For me all of these are necessary for me to live my life with vigor, intent and pursue my dreams. These four areas are Faith, Family, Friends and Fitness. I will explain each and how it applies to my overall well being, goals and inner self. We all have things that drive us, traits, behaviors, beliefs and actions that define us to our family, friends and community. These four are my main definers and are equal parts to the overall well being of my spirit, mental and physical condition. I have not always been focused on all of these and they probably were not equal parts. My faith defines me and drives my interactions, behaviors and thought process with people. My family is a priority and taking care of them, being a good father, husband,...
Inspirational messages, motivational topics, life coaching, stories about dreams, visions, faith, family and sports