I am borrowing todays blog post idea from a friend that posted a picture online today about men and pocket knives. Looking back I think about my first pocket knife my dad gave me when I was just a wee little fella back in the 1970's. It was one of his older model "Old Timers" and a pocket knife I still have in my collection of hundreds today. It is worn, tattered and rough looking, but it is sharp and will lay your skin open really quickly if mishandled. My brothers and I have knives that belonged to our granddads, dad and uncles and we cherish those finely crafted pieces of wood and steel. They are priceless to us and we wouldn't take anything for them.
You see a pocket knife is a right of passage for young boys and merging young men. To be given a pocket knife is a like a ticket to responsibility, one that has to be taken very seriously and with caution. I have had my fair share of cuts from whittling on wood, carving my name into a tree or just simply doing what silly boys do playing with it. Each of those cuts whether deep or shallow brought with them a small scar and a memory that will last a life time. Growing up in the country I learned the value of a good pocket knife and all that it offers us. It does not matter if the knife cost a dollar or a hundred dollars, it is the things it offers that matter the most.
Knives have been around for hundreds if not thousands of years and were used as a tool to eat with, hunt with, defend with, cut with, and so many other things. For those that work outside a good pocket knife is a must have tool. It sits right there in the pocket or hooked onto the belt loop instantly ready for action as needed. I don't know how many times I have cut rope, cut string, opened packages and let someone use it real quick. A pocket knife saved my dads live many years ago when he was a police officer. Three guys attacked him while he was off duty and had he not had his trusty "Old Timer" he may not have survived the attack.
Styles have changed throughout time, but the basic premise to a good pocket knife remains the same. It is a mans tool that he needs on a moments notice. It offers protection in uncertain times against predators and will save your life in a heartbeat. Women carry knives also, my daughters have knives and will someday inherit all of mine. So as this Christmas has passed, ladies keep in mind the next time you ask your man "what do you want for Christmas" and he he replies nothing or I do not know. Just go to the store and get him a pocket knife. You can never have too many of them around the house and in every car.
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