Do you ever just stop and spend time with God? I try to pray three times per day morning, noon and night to make sure I speak with God. Sometimes I fail at that goal because life can get in the way. The quantity of prayer in my opinion is not greater than the quality. Doing it three times a day allows me to focus on the things I need guidance on.
Our spiritual needs can change in a minute, an hour or a day. Give those to Fod and know that he has heard those and will action them for you. God wants us to spend time with him, seeking his guidance for our lives, relationships and jobs. My favorite way to seek time with God is to go out behind my house and sit near a huge tree in the shade and talk to God.
Maybe you have have your "quiet time" or devotional time or whatever we call it to seek guidance. When you do seek God do it with conviction, with an open heart, mind and soul. Do not half heartedly pray for things that are wants , but go after your needs. Allow Hod to work through those and lead you to a finalization with them.
Maybe you do not seek to speak with God daily, opting to only seek or call on him when we need him. I am guilty of that myself, and work hard to avoid doing that. God seeks us constantly and is consistent in sending us a still small voice. A dear friend of mine that is very spiritual and gifted once told me that “God shows us signs in small ways, doing small things as the day goes on”.
With this I say we all look for God in our daily lives through small but meaningful events. Could be emotional, physical or spiritual movements. Might be someon holding the door for you or someone allowing you to pull into dead locked traffic. Or it could be in a big way as well. Seek him out as he seeks you and look, listen and learn how to connect to God in spirit.
Deep down inside we desperately desire to connect with our Creator. And He wants to connect with us. Figuring out how to do that seems complicated, but it easier than we think. We have to get quiet and pray to God. After all, God is huge, mysterious and greater than us. He\"s everywhere around us, yet we cannot see him.
You may sit down with your friends and have a cup of coffee most days. Do that with God, grab yourself daily brew, sit down and talk to God as you enjoy that warm cup of coffee. Grab your lunch, go to a nice park and eat and think about God. He thinks about us and loves us to come to him spoken and unspoken.
Spending time with God daily allows us to tap into his wisdom, mercy and grace. In return we get his love, guidance and direction in our daily lives. That is how we see our lives change in ways that can seem hard to believe. We become more like God\"s children as we spend time with him.
Here are a few ways to spend time with God daily:
1- Schedule a set time and add an alarm in your calendar. Do not avoid it, silence it or skip it. Make God a priority.
Would God silence or put you off?
2- Be consistent in those prayers and be open to building that relationship. Just as your spouse, children and friends matter, so should God.
God is consistent, will you be?
3- Set goals for spiritual growth. What do you want to accomplish with God.
You set goals for work, health, marriages, etc. Don’t you think setting a goal for God is just as important?
4- Be hopeful and faithful in your time with God.
Christ often went to solitary places to pray (see Matthew 14:23; Mark 1:35; Luke 6:12). Christ was the most powerful person to ever walk the earth, he was born of God and still sought him out. Be like Christ and seek time with God, grow in spirit and abound with life.
Lord, I pray that you help me to find time for you. Quality time that is important and a priority. Seek me as I sell you and let’s connect at a higher level than ever before. Amen!
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