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Showing posts with the label spirits

Do Not Hide Your Light

Do Not Hide Your Light Today we are talking about standing for right and not hiding your light.  What light am I talking about, you may ask?  I am referring to the light of Jesus Christ which is in all of us and only shows if we have chosen him over darkness.  I remember growing up and singing the song "This Little Light of Mine, I'm Going to Let it Shine" in Sunday school and during youth concerts.  Last night I was listening to the bible on audio and it was talking about being a light for good and fighting darkness in our lives.  The challenge in today's world is to try and hide your light for fear that you may be tagged as a Christian or a believer.  America has become so comfortable with sin that millions are refusing to do the right thing and show their light. Matthew 5:16, states that " In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven". We are called to be warriors...

Stand With God

(opens in  Add title 2nd Timothy 3: 1-5 , "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people". As we have now entered a time in mankind's history where the devil begins to have his way with the lost and is able to mislead people with promises that cannot be kept. The saved will also will tempted just as Jesus was by the devil. The devil offered Jesus everything but he refused and "stood" with his father. Worldly feelings, wants and needs will take over peoples hearts and begin a time of trouble. Those that remain faithful to the Lord will be revealed to him...

The Foundation of Life

  The Foundation of Life In the sermon on the mount, Jesus spoke about having humility, love and living a prayerful life.  He addressed the masses on how to live a full Christian life and what it took to meet that standard.  Let's think about this for a minute.  The anointed one, God’s only son Jesus stood there and spoke to the crowd giving them the ultimate message and knowledge.  This was actually God’s word directly from the source of life.  What an experience that must have been, Jesus telling a parable right there to those people. I can picture the scene in my head and it is one of my favorite passages in the bible.  Jesus taught that following stated religious laws and methods did not meet the standards that God had set forth.  God set the gold standard by sending Jesus to earth to witness to mankind, die and ascend back to heaven to serve forever at God’s side.  The Pharisees and their followers were not happy with this and didn’t buy...

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

  Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Last night I went outside to just sit down in a chair in the cool November air and look at the stars. It was a very clear night, cold with no clouds above and the view was awesome.  I saw sparkling stars and God's wondrous creation at its finest.  I took the opportunity of the quietness to seek God's word and prayed to him asking for a message to write today.  I have been dreaming visions for many years and this election has been heavy on my mind and soul lately.  I am not talking about republican vs. democrat garbage, but Godly concerns and the deception that is stealing the minds, hearts and souls of America. My prayer was answered and I dreamed about a man, a deceitful man that was all about power.  This man was corrupt and not decent.  Men envied him and women secretly wanted to lie with him.  He had a power over people and was an expert at lying, cheating and deceiving people.  His intentions are opposite of wh...

A Cleansing Storm

  (openA s inA a new ta title A great storm has come upon mankind. One that has sweep over the earth and consumed all of mankind. One that has divided them into two sides with ideals driven by good and evil. Millions have chosen good and stayed strong in the biblical principles stated in Galatians 5:22-24. While many millions of others have chosen evil as described in Galatians 5:19-21. I recently had another dream about a great storm of biblical proportions such as Daniel did in the old testament. A storm like man has never seen and one that will shake the foundations of all people. A storm that was very scary and made me sit up in bed and pray to God. A dream that I thanked him for showing me. A dream that I must share to the world and hope that it gets to as many people as possible. For this great storm is coming as predicted in Daniel. God had already been revealing himself to the world in small ways in preparation for this coming storm. He was giving people the opp...

Miracle on Old Town Road

Miracle on Old Town Road I am the recipient of a true miracle.  A divine and heavenly message that literally saved my life.  One that sounds too good to be true, a story that many will not believe.  While others will rejoice in it and find inspiration about life after death and how our loved ones care for us in the great beyond.  What I am writing is the direct result of God and his power to heal, change our lives and work miracles.  God has a plan for everyone, he gave his only son to make sure that we could have life after death.  This event in my life involves life after death and spiritual activity beyond imagination.  Follow along with me as I tell the true story of Miracle on Old Town Road. It all started with some chest pain and tightness I was having at work.  I thought I was just experiencing signs of stress and fatigue.  I was refusing to acknowledge something may really be wrong.  I have dreamed vividly for most of my life, b...