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Showing posts with the label life

Mark 3:25 spread the word to save the world!

 I had a dream last night and it was shocking and woke me up. I dreamed I saw an old friend named Mark and then looked at my watch and it was 3:25. I had been praying for my community, North Carolina and America to turn away from evil influences and seek God. I write all my dreams down and have a journal that is 97 pages long as of today with dreams, visions. Heavenly notices and other information I receive while asleep. I recorded it and began to do some research on it and wrote down my notes for later. That is how it works for me when I get messages. I write it down, analyze it and do some research. Well it hit me later as I was thinking about it that I had failed to put the Mark and 3:25 together. I saw my watch in the dream and it specifically said 3:25. I had been praying for peace, understanding and patience as I have observed a quick decent into darkness in the world. Millions have become addicted to drugs, porn, sex, alcohol and other things that destroy the f...

Spirit Chronicles: The Road of Choices

 I was walking up a dirt road that led up hill. As I looked to my left I saw a huge tree that had been cut at the base and on that was an old timey blue rocking chair. In that chair was a dark skeleton that was on fire. It looked at me as if I was in some kind of horror movie and stared as I walked by. There were no words or communication but I could feel its spirit of disguist, fear and anger. It was suffering and the fire was never ending. I kept walking and noticed that everything on that side of the road was also dead. The vegataion was dead, the grass was brown and the trees were broken and tatteterd as if a storm or a severe fire had come through the area. On my right I saw a huge Oak tree about 10 feet wide at the base. Below that tree was a nice newer looking rocking chair. In that chair was a light being that I felt to be a good spirit of the Heavens. It was rocking and just relaxing as if life was grand. All of the trees, grass and surroundings were beautiful g...

Americana-My First Car

 Scrolling Facebook this morning and I see a post about your first car. The picture in the post is actually my first car. It was called “The Bean”. Only difference was I had mag wheels on mine. Before I got it it looked like this. My friends and I made some good memories in that little car. I believe I drove it to the Prince Purple Rain concert with a few folks that are friends on here. The motor died in it near Yadkinville on the way back to App State one winter Sunday and dad got rid of it for me.I remember wanting a fancier car and my parents taught me a valuable lesson I still remember to this day. I had seen a really nice looking truck down the road for sale and as my birthday came closer I kept telling them what I wanted. My birthday arrives and my mom comes in my room early and says get up and go outside your truck is in the driveway. I jumped up and ran as fast as I could and sitting in the driveway was a truck (beautiful shiny brand new out of the package hot wheel truck)....

Impossible Actually Becomes I'm Possible

  Impossible is a word we have all heard at some point in our life. This is a very negative and non-supportive way for people to acknowledge your goals, dreams and visions. You will not, You cannot, You might not, That is crazy, What a stupid idea, What in the world are you thinking, How do you expect to do that and so many other negative ways we hear someone tell us that things are impossible. Well, I here to tell you that all things are possible. In fact, the word Impossible actually spells out I’m Possible. Yes, it spells out the words we need to know, believe and hear. You are possible, this can happen, you can do it, you have got this, what can I do to help you, sounds like you have a great plan, I know you can be successful, what a great idea, I love the way you are attacking the possible. These statements make us feel much better and motivate us to reach higher, work harder, go faster, stay focused and accomplish the possible. Along the way will it be easy trying to achieve ...

Know When To Go Home

Today I am talking to myself and many others that just do not know when to stop working and go home.  As a career teacher and coach I have worked so many extra hours all these years and seem to always find a reason to stay a little longer to do things on my list.  As I got older I realized that I had to find better balance in my work and home life.  I got home late so many nights and suddenly it hit me that things could wait for tomorrow.  I began to make adjustments and started delegating responsibility to my team and coaches and it made a world of difference for me at home.  Being a driven person that wants to be successful, work hard and win at sports and life I would tend to be one of the first to arrive on campus and the last to leave.  I coached football in the fall, wrestling in the winter and softball in the spring.  Yes, I spent nine months a year actively coaching a sport, but lets be real it was a 12 month job when you add in summer workouts...

Romans 5:3-5: Are You A Quitter or Overcomer

I am going on record to state that I began this blog to talk about faith, family and how God can enable us to live a better life.  I have been a Christian since my early teenage years and like many have strayed at times, got real close at times, been part time, went to church, did not go to church and everything in between,  However, through all of that I never lost faith or wavered from my belief that God is real and Jesus is my savior.  With this said and the recent events that have occurred in my life I now plan to get back to Gods word, do his will in my life and share his word to inspire, motivate and hopefully offer my readers hope of Gods grace, mercy and will to be in our daily life's.  This blog is called Heavenly Notices because of a miracle I received in September of 2020. I was a dead man walking and my mom came to me in a dream and told me things I needed to go get checked and was 100 percent correct.  That was not coincidental or made up....

Standing Strong and Upholding Your Values in Troubling Times

Today I am discussing the importance of standing strong to you values, morals and belief system during times of trouble, struggle and strife.  Unfortunately, we are living in a time of moral, political, faith based and other belief systems that have led to a division among friends, family and co-workers.  I have friends that have different values in all of these areas and still remain friends with them despite the differences of opinion.  We all grow up in different households, build different values and form our own opinions about faith, politics, life and all those other things we see and hear daily.  I have had some very interesting conversations lately with friends over the phone, online and other ways and it amazes me how some people think, have formed an opinion and just are dead set on that being the only way. I have been told I am hard headed at times and I definitely have a certain opinion about things.  If you read my blog or follow me you may have fig...

My Four F's- Faith, Family, Friends and Fitness

Today I am writing about the four main parts of my life that equal up to 100% of good spiritual, mental and physical fitness.  This is my list and may vary from what you think are your top four.  For me all of these are necessary for me to live my life with vigor, intent and pursue my dreams.  These four areas are Faith, Family, Friends and Fitness.  I will explain each and how it applies to my overall well being, goals and inner self.  We all have things that drive us, traits, behaviors, beliefs and actions that define us to our family, friends and community.  These four are my main definers and are equal parts to the overall well being of my spirit, mental and physical condition.   I have not always been focused on all of these and they probably were not equal parts.  My faith defines me and drives my interactions, behaviors and thought process with people.  My family is a priority and taking care of them, being a good father, husband,...

Top Ten Skills Needed for Success In Todays World of Work

Today we are talking about ten essential job and life skills that are a must in todays world of work to remain competitive, grow and drive your life and career to meet your financial goals.  Most of these come with time, energy, experience and just putting in the hours on the job learning.  As a high school teacher trying to prepare students for how they want to work, live and play after graduation I always spend time teaching these ten principles, having them complete job skill assessments, personal inventories, learning style inventories and identifying their strengths and areas of opportunity.  We all have specific areas of strength that guide our daily work ethic and help to deliver results needed to be successful on the job and in the career. We all have areas of growth or opportunity areas that we must also attack and work to grow as these may be holding us back in life, on the job and in relationships.  Taking an active role in understanding your current skill...

Leaving 2020 and Moving into 2021- My Must Do's

Some of my readers may or may not know that 2020 was a very tough year for me and my family.  I personally have battled heart issues, covid and other sickness since September of 2020.  I had three hospital stays, a couple of real scares as far as living another day and this has took a toll on me mentally, physically and spiritually.  But it did force me to take a hard look at my past, present and future growth in all three of these areas that are required for us to function healthy in life each day.  Taking this hard look will enable me to build a brighter future in all three areas of my existence.  You may not need all three, but for me they go tit for tat and connect the dots of the life style I live.  I must have all three to be strong of mind, body and soul.  Everyone writes a bunch of new year resolutions that they intend to work on for the new year and go flying into the new year all fired up and on a mission.  Then soon, the mission becomes...

All I Want For Christmas 2020 and Beyond

My wife and I have grown kids and they are always asking us what we want for Christmas.  Many parents out there of grown children can relate to this dilemma and we all probably give the same answer over and over.  We say "I don't know", "I don't want anything", "I don't need anything", or my favorite which is "I just want to be with you on Christmas day".  I sometimes even tell them "my two front teeth" just to get them riled up.  My wife and I are blessed and we really do not have anything on a list that we need.  Heck, we all have online ordering and next day delivery for all those things we want to buy.  I wrote yesterday about A Covid Christmas which is what we are celebrating this year as we all have Covid and are separated for the Holidays.   We all have family traditions like gathering, eating, fellowshipping and sharing gifts with family and friends.  For years we have always opened one present Christmas eve as a fa...

You Don't Have to See It, To Believe It

Today I was thinking about some recent changes in my life that are spiritual, mental and emotional.  These changes are all positive and something that cannot be seen by the eye.  Sure, people may be able to sense or see a difference in a persons attitude or behavior.  However, changes like these are internal and occur within ourselves in the heart, mind and soul.  These are not tangible things one can touch and therefore hard to describe to people at times.   I have had a spiritual awakening of sorts is the best way to describe what is occurring within me and to me.  As a good friend described her similar changes to me as "Shedding my old skin".  That made perfect sense to me and got me to thinking about belief and how it guides our lives, actions, behaviors and reactions to events. I started thinking about Christmas and the gifts we all receive during the Holidays and celebrations.   I am not talking about the gifts under the tree as th...

Losing My Hero- My Dad

I was coaching at my old high school in 2009 and in the middle of the season I suddenly lost my dad. My dad was a 30 year retired police officer who also served over 30 years volunteering at the local high school as president, vice president and secretary of the boosters club.  My mom and dad along with several great parents had helped raise millions of dollars and build most of the very nice athletic facilities the school has today.  They loved to go to football games home or away.  For over thirty years on Friday night if they were not rotating in the concession stand they sat in the same seats at home games every Friday night.  My dad sat on the top row, on the brick at the corner.  I can see him now sitting there watching me, my brothers, cousins, and nephews playing football on Fridays.   Dad and mom were road warriors and followed the football team wherever they played.  They went to every game home or away for a minimum of 30 seasons. Even ...

Lady Speeding, Rookie Cop, Got To Go Right Now

 Today I am continuing my series of stories about my family and today I am focusing on a true and hopefully funny story about my Dad.  Please enjoy and share! Lady Speeding, Rookie Cop, Got to Go Right Now Dad told us a story about a woman that was speeding one day. He was new to the police force and had just been let loose as a patrol officer.  He was patrolling a major road in town and a lady drove by him going 55 in a 35.  He instantly turned his car around and turned on his blue lights in hot pursuit of the speed demon flying down the road.  He got behind this lady and flashed his lights in an attempt to stop her.  She kept going and actually sped up so he wasn't quite sure what to do as a new cop, so he called it in.  They told him to continue pursuit and follow her, stay in radio contact and help was on the way to assist him. He stayed in pursuit for several blocks and the woman suddenly pulled over slamming on her brakes to stop making him almos...

Coaching, Mentoring and Guiding

  Coaching, Mentoring and Guiding  Think about the people that have taught, coached, guided, mentored and helped shape who you are through their leadership in your life.  I have been fortunate to have some of the best mentors, coaches and peers anyone could ask for throughout my career in the business world, teaching and coaching.  I learned so much from these special people that helped shape who I am as a coach, mentor and guide for others.  As I have gotten older and closer to retirement age my priorities have changed quite a bit and my goals are a bit different. I can also say on the reverse side that I have learned how not to coach, mentor and guide people from some peers, coaches, friends, relatives and others along the way.  I am not saying they were particularly bad overall at what they did, in fact, most of them were solid people with good intentions.  They just had some weaknesses in their planning, implementation or process of leading people....

Do Not Hide Your Light

Do Not Hide Your Light Today we are talking about standing for right and not hiding your light.  What light am I talking about, you may ask?  I am referring to the light of Jesus Christ which is in all of us and only shows if we have chosen him over darkness.  I remember growing up and singing the song "This Little Light of Mine, I'm Going to Let it Shine" in Sunday school and during youth concerts.  Last night I was listening to the bible on audio and it was talking about being a light for good and fighting darkness in our lives.  The challenge in today's world is to try and hide your light for fear that you may be tagged as a Christian or a believer.  America has become so comfortable with sin that millions are refusing to do the right thing and show their light. Matthew 5:16, states that " In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven". We are called to be warriors...

Random Acts of Kindness

Today I am writing about the random acts of kindness that people show one another and how they can make a huge impact on that persons day.  Being kind is something we all like to see in people and it shows that one has a love for their family, friends, neighbors and strangers.  I can think of some examples of random acts of kindness where people have done something that seemed small to them, but was a huge boost to me at the time.  Examples of  this are below: 1- A good friend had someone come mow my yard while I was at home recovering from a heart procedure. 2- A random person (more than once) has let me turn into traffic on a packed road risking someone honking the horn at him or her for doing it. 3- People saying hello, smiling, and asking how you are today. 4- Kind words on face book, emails, and text messages that lift my spirit. I did some research so I will not lay claim to being a guru on random acts of kindness and built a simple list of ways we can all be k...

Thoughts About My Blessings

As I sat down to write today after eating a really yummy breakfast with my wonderful wife.  I was finishing up my third cup of coffee (shhh, don't tell my doctor) and talking to my wife about all the things we are blessed by and with.  We talked about our family, our daughters, in-laws and all the people that bless and pray for us daily.  So I decided to veer off of my typical posting today to write about these wonderful blessings.   I looked up the definition of blessing and it is to have Gods favor and protection in your life.  That hit home for me because without that we can wander through life, fighting things, having troubles and not knowing why those things happen to us.  As my wonderful mother used to say to me as a child "son, count your blessings" everyday.  I take that serious and do my best to count them so I stay grounded and never forget where I came from and most importantly, where I want to go.  I will not get there without the...

Finding Your Heart

  Finding Your Heart Losing heart is defined as feeling overcome by doubt and other feelings that you cannot accomplish something you set out to do.  I often write about sports and use them as an analogy because I have spent three fourths of my adult life as a football and wrestling coach.  I have seen so many young people lose heart as they prepared, practiced and competed.  Most of the time people lose heart because it gets hard, things are not going the way they were envisioned and that will  make someone quit. Adults often lose heart in relationships, jobs, family obligations and other activities.  A job gets tough so they quit because the boss is a jerk.  A marriage gets rocky so they quit and walk away.  Life gets tough and deals hard blows such as cancer, sickness, health issues and personal problems.  Have you ever quit on something or watched a person quit.  Did you give a true effort or did you just walk away because it felt li...