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Showing posts with the label forgive

The Lions

The Lions Today will be a quick write about my continued spiritual growth as I get closer to God everyday.  I prayed last night for God to give me direction, grace and mercy all the days of my life and as I ended, I asked if he had a specific message for me to send it.  Well, let me tell you that God is good, he is the greatest, he is the undefeated champion of all time.  I had been struggling with some health issues lately and have been really seeking God's word by reading the bible, researching, reading other blogs and praying.  All this as a way to gain a more direct connection to God and move forward with his plans in our lives. After asking for God to send me a message I dreamed about the Lion and a Shepard.  In the lion dream I saw two lions walking with each other like a pack would do. They kept their distance and walked near each other growling and grumbling as if they were seeking a meal.  I was watching them in the lion's den when suddenly someone...

Do Not Fear, God Is Near

  Do Not Fear, God is Near Fear is one of the biggest enemies we face daily and it can overwhelm you really fast.  Fear is defined as a feeling of an impending danger, anxiety and worry about a perceived threat to our physical, mental or spiritual well being.  Fear is a weapon that the Devil uses against humans to cast doubt, anxiety and worry in our lives.  Fear can come on really quick or begin slowly and build up to eventually overcome us emotionally.  I can think of many times when fear struck me in my life.  I once had to go to the 30th floor of a building and put furniture on a tiny little deck about six feet wide and that scared me to death.   I am not a fan of heights and have a philosophy of why leave a good solid piece of ground.  Many of you have been to a haunted house and remember how that sudden fear of someone jumping out at you, grabbing you in the dark or just scaring the “you know what” out of someone happens.  You know...

Offering Forgiveness to Others and Ourselves

  Offering Forgiveness to Others and Ourselves Let's talk about forgiveness today.  The definition of forgiveness is to exonerate, forgive, excuse and participate in the process of forgetting a wrong someone has done to us.  The pain and hurt that people cause is real and painful. Living with bitterness and the emotional baggage of unforgiving someone can destroy you from the inside out.  It slowly eats away at your soul and hardens your heart.  It makes you question humanity and blinds us to see the good in people. Now let's look at God’s definition and word about forgiveness.  In Ephesians 4:32 the word says “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Offering forgiveness is very hard for most people to do because we have been wronged by family, our spouse, friends and strangers.  When someone hurts us, says something out of the way or attacks us, human nature is to get mad and take it offensiv...