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Dealing With Anxiety and Depression

Dealing With Anxiety and Depression

Let us begin this topic by stating how real and aggressive anxiety and depression are in the lives of millions of people of all ages.  Anxiety and depression often go unnoticed by people close to those that are suffering until it is too late.  These are two leading causes of death and health risk in the world.  Being anxious and depressed can go hand in hand and are a double whammy that is hard to overcome in life.  Let's look at a few of the many symptoms of anxiety and depression before talking about dealing with it.

1- Feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and pessimism

2- Mood swings, not sleeping, shutting down mentally

3- Difficulty with decisions, lack of confidence, and irritability

4- Mental, physical and spiritual health issues

These are just some of the major symptoms and signs that I could find as I made my list. At some point, I think we all have faced depression and anxiety in life. Major causes of anxiety and depression are life changing events, job loss, deaths, broken relationships, drugs, alcohol, physical and mental abuse along with many other things that we deal with on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly cycle.  These things can overwhelm us and take us into a state of anxiety that eventually leads to a state of depression.  

I lost a job one time that I loved, but the biggest issue was I had a wife and two small kids to support and this happened during a time when jobs were at a minimum and the market was really tight and slow.  No matter how much I tried, things just started to unravel for me and my family.  I was supposed to be the breadwinner, I was the dad and husband and had a duty to take care of my family's needs.  The struggle was real and not being able to provide the way I could took a toll on me.  

It created doubt in my ability to take care of my family.  It made me anxious wondering if we would pay our bills, keep our home and the lights on.  It made me nervous, angry and many of the other things listed above.  It eventually led me into a state of depression as I wanted to just give up.  When things got pretty much rock bottom, I turned my eyes to God and prayed for help.  Seeking his guidance changed the way I viewed things.  I started to see how the anxiety and depression was impacting my marriage, my family and myself.

I had to come up with a plan as I did not want to become a statistic and rely on medicine, drugs or alcohol to cope.  So I came up with a plan and listed below are some of the steps I took in that process. You can use these general ideas to begin the process of healing and moving away from anxiousness and depression to a full life of vigor and faith.

1- Admit that you have a problem- Allowing yourself to be vulnerable and admit you have a problem is the first step to healing.

2- Identify the root causes of your anxiety and depression-  Is it a relationship, drugs, alcohol, lack of confidence, health issues and all the other possible causes.  Make a list of the triggers for your anxiety and find the main reason you are depressed.

3- Seek God’s guidance- Pray, read the bible, read books, and talk to someone that can help you.  Jesus is the great physician and can heal your emotional, physical and spiritual wounds.  Do not try to do it by yourself.  Do it with God and see what happens.

4- Acknowledge that it will be hard- After you have accomplished 1-3, know that overcoming it will not be easy.  It will require you to be strong willed, tough skinned and grow spiritually.  Do not let setbacks get the best of you or throw you off course to a full and healthy recovery.  

5- Make small changes that are healthy and allow you to grow- Cook foods you normally wouldn’t eat, travel some, find a relaxing hobby, get out and exercise (walking 30 minutes a day) is huge.  Make new relationships, join a church, reach out to old friends and family, get into a solid sleep pattern, pour yourself into work and family.  All of these are not a cure for anxiety and depression, but can be outlets to dealing with it and overcoming it.

Lastly, do not give up.  Never, ever, ever give up.  Do not quit on yourself or your family.  Do not quit on God.  Do not play the blame game.  Hold yourself accountable for your mental, physical and spiritual health.  Seek God as he seeks you and miracles will happen!

Isaiah 41:10, Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

1st Peter 5:7, Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

Isaiah 43:4, Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you, I give men in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life.

Lord, please lift this burden of anxiety and depression from my mind, body and soul.  Fill me with your spirit, fill me with your love, fill me with your grace and mercy for all the days of my life.  Help me to overcome these challenges and become whole again.  Amen



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