An Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude is a word used to express how thankful we are for the actions of others and the blessings in our lives. Our attitude is a choice that we make on a daily basis. As humans we often fall short of having a good attitude and being grateful for the many blessings we have been given by God, family and friends. One thing is for sure and that is we cannot control the random things that happen to us (other people, flat tires, unexpected expenses, sudden emergencies, deaths, etc). What we can control is how we react to these life events and how we carry ourselves during and after these events.
The bible tells us that God is in control of all things earthly and in heaven. He has a plan for us and wants us to be grateful for his countless blessings. Even when suffering we can choose to have a positive attitude and be grateful for God’s blessings. When we wake up to tough times, pray for God to give you the strength to go forward in your life with a constant thought of thankfulness. Paul wrote that ungratefulness was wicked and unGodly. I found myself today with an attitude of ungratefulness and had to pray and convict myself of being self-loathing and having a little pity party.
My wonderful wife and I have been on a health kick the last several months eating better, drinking lots of water and exercising. We are seeing the benefits of all this activity and change in lifestyle one day at a time. My wife has lost 35 pounds and looks amazing, while I am at 20 pounds and feeling much better. The thing I was ungrateful for today was the last two weeks despite eating right, walking and drinking lots of water. I am stuck at a certain weight and the scales just are not moving. I found myself whining about the weight loss and not losing any the last few weeks. What I failed to do was be grateful for the first twenty pounds I have dropped and honestly, for being alive.
I had a heart procedure a month or so ago and honestly am blessed to be alive at this point. I had a 99% blocked main artery and my heart should have already stopped. I wrote in a previous blog about that life event (Miracle on Old Town Road) and the miracle God sent me to save my life. So I had to ask God for forgiveness and the strength to continue to work on my weight, heart health and overall attitude. I needed a reminder that God provides more than a job, house, money, food, water and shelter. He showers us with grace, mercy and blessings everyday we walk this earth. I am a blessed man with an awesome family, friends, career and life and should be much more grateful to God for giving that to me.
He has already given us the ultimate attitude adjuster by sending his son to earth to live, die and rise up and offer us eternal life. We must be grateful for that and thankful. After reading gratitude in the bible, talking to some friends and my wife. I am going to take measure of my many blessings. I am going to work on always having an attitude of gratitude. In the end run, only you and God can adjust an attitude. We choose to be grateful or ungrateful. Trust in God, have a great attitude and be grateful for what he provides us whether it be big or small. For all things will pass and we will be held accountable for our actions when the final bell tolls.
1- What blessings has God given you this year?
2- Are you a grateful person or are you ungrateful?
Colossians 3: 15-18 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Lord, please convict my heart and allow me to see all the many blessings you bestow upon me everyday. Your love, grace and mercy are never ending and the gift of Jesus Christ alone should allow me to move my heart to an attitude of gratitude. Amen
God Bless! KB
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