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Spending Time With God

Do you ever just stop and spend time with God?  I try to pray three times per day morning, noon and night to make sure I speak with God.  Sometimes I fail at that goal because life can get in the way.  The quantity of prayer in my opinion is not greater than the quality.  Doing it three times a day allows me to focus on the things I need guidance on.   Our spiritual needs can change in a minute, an hour or a day.  Give those to Fod and know that he has heard those and will action them for you.  God wants us to spend time with him, seeking his guidance for our lives, relationships and jobs. My favorite way to seek time with God is to go out behind my house and sit near a huge tree in the shade and talk to God.   Maybe you have have your "quiet time" or devotional time or whatever we call it to seek guidance.  When you do seek God do it with conviction, with an open heart, mind and soul.  Do not half heartedly pray for things that are wants , but go after your needs.  Allow Hod

Finding Inspiratuon in Gods Word

Finding Inspiration in God’s Word Finding inspiration in our lives at times can be very hard.  Being inspired to pursue our goals and accomplish them is not an easy task.  Many things will get in the way and set us back as we seek to inspire others as well.  God inspires people, his believers and followers by giving us words of inspiration in the bible.  He declares his word to be true and offers us the most inspirational event in human history as proof.  God gave us his only son Jesus Christ as a gift to inspire us to be more like him.   We have to never give up on our dreams, goals and visions for ourselves.  You must be unstoppable and believe you are going to accomplish your goals.  We inspire others by acting, behaving, leading and guiding people in a positive manner that shines God’s light into the world.   God inspires through his acts of mercy, grace and kindness.  As you seek to inspire and be inspired, surround yourself with people that inspire you.  More importantly, seek Go

Christ Like Love

Christ Like Love The Bible tells us that God is love, he is the perfect source of love and care that we need,  Jesus came to the earth to show us the ultimate love by giving his life for others.  God’s love is different and as humans it is hard to understand that type of love.  God made us in his image and knows all.  He knew us before we were born, knows the hairs on our head and the very intricate details of our spirit.  Christ talked about love in his teachings and showed the ultimate love of all.   God created mankind out of love and they became so wrapped up in themselves that he had to sacrifice a piece of himself to make things right.  God loves unconditionally and is constant.  Humans on the other hand somehow fall in and out of love.  Marriages dissolve, relationships end and they part ways.  People hurt one another mentally and physically instead of loving each other.  They walk away from love using excuses as they go.  They find a reason not to love someone anymore.   We thr

Stand With God

(opens in  Add title 2nd Timothy 3: 1-5 , "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people". As we have now entered a time in mankind's history where the devil begins to have his way with the lost and is able to mislead people with promises that cannot be kept. The saved will also will tempted just as Jesus was by the devil. The devil offered Jesus everything but he refused and "stood" with his father. Worldly feelings, wants and needs will take over peoples hearts and begin a time of trouble. Those that remain faithful to the Lord will be revealed to him

Offering Forgiveness to Others and Ourselves

  Offering Forgiveness to Others and Ourselves Let's talk about forgiveness today.  The definition of forgiveness is to exonerate, forgive, excuse and participate in the process of forgetting a wrong someone has done to us.  The pain and hurt that people cause is real and painful. Living with bitterness and the emotional baggage of unforgiving someone can destroy you from the inside out.  It slowly eats away at your soul and hardens your heart.  It makes you question humanity and blinds us to see the good in people. Now let's look at God’s definition and word about forgiveness.  In Ephesians 4:32 the word says “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Offering forgiveness is very hard for most people to do because we have been wronged by family, our spouse, friends and strangers.  When someone hurts us, says something out of the way or attacks us, human nature is to get mad and take it offensive.  We take it to heart an

The Foundation of Life

  The Foundation of Life In the sermon on the mount, Jesus spoke about having humility, love and living a prayerful life.  He addressed the masses on how to live a full Christian life and what it took to meet that standard.  Let's think about this for a minute.  The anointed one, God’s only son Jesus stood there and spoke to the crowd giving them the ultimate message and knowledge.  This was actually God’s word directly from the source of life.  What an experience that must have been, Jesus telling a parable right there to those people. I can picture the scene in my head and it is one of my favorite passages in the bible.  Jesus taught that following stated religious laws and methods did not meet the standards that God had set forth.  God set the gold standard by sending Jesus to earth to witness to mankind, die and ascend back to heaven to serve forever at God’s side.  The Pharisees and their followers were not happy with this and didn’t buy it.  What they taught was in direct opp

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

  Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Last night I went outside to just sit down in a chair in the cool November air and look at the stars. It was a very clear night, cold with no clouds above and the view was awesome.  I saw sparkling stars and God's wondrous creation at its finest.  I took the opportunity of the quietness to seek God's word and prayed to him asking for a message to write today.  I have been dreaming visions for many years and this election has been heavy on my mind and soul lately.  I am not talking about republican vs. democrat garbage, but Godly concerns and the deception that is stealing the minds, hearts and souls of America. My prayer was answered and I dreamed about a man, a deceitful man that was all about power.  This man was corrupt and not decent.  Men envied him and women secretly wanted to lie with him.  He had a power over people and was an expert at lying, cheating and deceiving people.  His intentions are opposite of what he says he will do.  He is bad fo