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Do Not Fear, God Is Near

  Do Not Fear, God is Near Fear is one of the biggest enemies we face daily and it can overwhelm you really fast.  Fear is defined as a feeling of an impending danger, anxiety and worry about a perceived threat to our physical, mental or spiritual well being.  Fear is a weapon that the Devil uses against humans to cast doubt, anxiety and worry in our lives.  Fear can come on really quick or begin slowly and build up to eventually overcome us emotionally.  I can think of many times when fear struck me in my life.  I once had to go to the 30th floor of a building and put furniture on a tiny little deck about six feet wide and that scared me to death.   I am not a fan of heights and have a philosophy of why leave a good solid piece of ground.  Many of you have been to a haunted house and remember how that sudden fear of someone jumping out at you, grabbing you in the dark or just scaring the “you know what” out of someone happens.  You know it is going to happen and just anticipate it and

Financial Management God Style

  Financial Management God Style The Bible teaches us about every facet of life including how to be financially smart.  God owns everything we possess and gifts it to us.  We work hard to gain earthly things and should give praise to God for allowing us to have such things as homes, cars, money, personal belongings and other wants.  He also supplies our needs and has warned us against the love of money and putting idols before him.  Below I have written five principles listed in the bible that we can apply to our financial planning, budgeting and goals we desire to meet. 1- We  must acknowledge that God is the source of all things we own and possess . Philippians 4:19, states that “My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus”.  Giving it all to God allows us to be blessed tenfold, hundred fold and even higher.  He delivers our needs and gives us the support to work towards our wants.  We must keep in mind that as quickly as we achieved all these

Traveling The Windy Roads With God

  Traveling The Windy Roads With God In our life we have traveled down many winding roads not knowing exactly what lies ahead.  Most of these roads were paved, smooth and relatively straight.  Then there are the dirt roads, rocky roads, hilly roads, curvy roads and others that are exciting to travel on, but also make  you nervous as to just where you will end up and how long it will take you to get there.  We have traveled the mountain roads of Western North Carolina for many years and one of those we prefer is the Blue Ridge Parkway.  It is a beautiful windy road with awesome views, nature at its finest and so relaxing to the mind, body and soul.   My wife and I go up every October and ride the parkway to see the tree foliage change colors, look for waterfalls and spend time in Price Park (one of our favorites).  This October we decided to come back down the mountain on highway 221 and man it was a windy, curvy road with great views.  We discovered some new waterfalls, rock formations

Spending Time With God

Do you ever just stop and spend time with God?  I try to pray three times per day morning, noon and night to make sure I speak with God.  Sometimes I fail at that goal because life can get in the way.  The quantity of prayer in my opinion is not greater than the quality.  Doing it three times a day allows me to focus on the things I need guidance on.   Our spiritual needs can change in a minute, an hour or a day.  Give those to Fod and know that he has heard those and will action them for you.  God wants us to spend time with him, seeking his guidance for our lives, relationships and jobs. My favorite way to seek time with God is to go out behind my house and sit near a huge tree in the shade and talk to God.   Maybe you have have your "quiet time" or devotional time or whatever we call it to seek guidance.  When you do seek God do it with conviction, with an open heart, mind and soul.  Do not half heartedly pray for things that are wants , but go after your needs.  Allow Hod

Finding Inspiratuon in Gods Word

Finding Inspiration in God’s Word Finding inspiration in our lives at times can be very hard.  Being inspired to pursue our goals and accomplish them is not an easy task.  Many things will get in the way and set us back as we seek to inspire others as well.  God inspires people, his believers and followers by giving us words of inspiration in the bible.  He declares his word to be true and offers us the most inspirational event in human history as proof.  God gave us his only son Jesus Christ as a gift to inspire us to be more like him.   We have to never give up on our dreams, goals and visions for ourselves.  You must be unstoppable and believe you are going to accomplish your goals.  We inspire others by acting, behaving, leading and guiding people in a positive manner that shines God’s light into the world.   God inspires through his acts of mercy, grace and kindness.  As you seek to inspire and be inspired, surround yourself with people that inspire you.  More importantly, seek Go

Christ Like Love

Christ Like Love The Bible tells us that God is love, he is the perfect source of love and care that we need,  Jesus came to the earth to show us the ultimate love by giving his life for others.  God’s love is different and as humans it is hard to understand that type of love.  God made us in his image and knows all.  He knew us before we were born, knows the hairs on our head and the very intricate details of our spirit.  Christ talked about love in his teachings and showed the ultimate love of all.   God created mankind out of love and they became so wrapped up in themselves that he had to sacrifice a piece of himself to make things right.  God loves unconditionally and is constant.  Humans on the other hand somehow fall in and out of love.  Marriages dissolve, relationships end and they part ways.  People hurt one another mentally and physically instead of loving each other.  They walk away from love using excuses as they go.  They find a reason not to love someone anymore.   We thr

Stand With God

(opens in  Add title 2nd Timothy 3: 1-5 , "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people". As we have now entered a time in mankind's history where the devil begins to have his way with the lost and is able to mislead people with promises that cannot be kept. The saved will also will tempted just as Jesus was by the devil. The devil offered Jesus everything but he refused and "stood" with his father. Worldly feelings, wants and needs will take over peoples hearts and begin a time of trouble. Those that remain faithful to the Lord will be revealed to him